Solar & Battery

Solar & Battery Charging

Solar & Battery Solutions

We can assist with both Residential & Commercial projects.

Whether you are looking to install a solar system at your home, or whether you are looking to add value and save money at your business location, we can advise.

Solar systems can be complex but with our many years of experience you can be sure that you will be receiving specialist advice and personal service. We have special experience working with contractors on new-build and redevelopment projects.

We are based in North-West London, and are looking to bring the advantages of solar and battery solutions to all of London, the South and Hertfordshire.

What are the benefits of Solar?

There are a number of benefits to having solar panels installed:

Helps protect your household from rising energy prices.

Bring down your energy bills.

Reduces your carbon footprint, which helps the planet.

Increases your property value.

Draw power from the grid at off-peak rates and store on your battery for later use.

Why Solar?

It is an unfortunate fact of life that the energy prices continue to increase. The more energy we can get from renewable sources the less reliant we are on ever increasing market costs of gas and electricity.

Solar panels work even on cloudy days and in the winter, albeit if not so as efficiently in the summertime. It’s a certainty that you will reduce your energy bill throughout the year. The solar panels power your house, so instead of drawing from the main electrical supply, power is drawn from the solar panels.

If you add a battery to the system, the battery will charge during the day and power your house at night.

We are specialists in the Tesla (link to Powerwall | Tesla United Kingdom) system – contact us today!

Solar Charging Solutions

Contact us now on 07375325736